Frequently Asked Questions
Why sunset now?
Our trustees have given this thoughtful and strategic consideration and believe this was indeed Mr. Kiewit’s intent. Sunsetting in 2030 will coincide with our 50th anniversary and a milestone of $1 billion worth of investments into the communities of Nebraska and Western Iowa. We feel Mr. Kiewit would be pleased with the work we’ve done, the communities we’ve supported, and the projects we’ve helped build.
What does “sunset” mean?
Peter Kiewit Foundation will award and pay out all our remaining funds by 2030 and cease operations.
What’s next?
Our commitment to our mission and grantee partners remains unwavering during this time. We feel Mr. Kiewit would remind us that the work is not done, and more importantly, that it was never ours alone to finish. The real work has always been, and will continue to be, in the hands of the communities and organizations we’ve supported over the years and the next generation of philanthropic leaders.
Our team members will be connecting with long-time grantee partners over the next several months to begin helping them plan for this transition and ensure they are poised for success long after our sunset.
How does this affect my active grant?
Current commitments will be honored.
How does this affect my currently pending application?
If you are currently working with a PKF team member on an open request, please continue doing so. Our intentions are to continue grantmaking through 2029.
Are you still accepting new applications?
At this time, we are not accepting applications from organizations we are not already actively working with (grantee partners).
When will you know or share more?
We are providing this information well in advance to allow our partners ample time to plan and adapt. We aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, and our work continues until then. We don’t have all the answers or details sorted out yet but are in the planning stages. We are dedicated to sunset in a way that is reflective of Mr. Kiewit and who we are and position our grantees for long-term success. We will be in close contact with our grantee partners to collaborate and share details as we have them.
Am I a “partner?”
If your organization is closely aligned with Mr. Kiewit’s intent, has received several multi-year grants, and has an active relationship with a Community Investment Officer (CIO) at the foundation, you may be considered a grantee partner. Your CIO will be in touch with more details.